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Faith starts at home


Hi All,

I am very excited to start blogging, and especially excited to inspire  people with my DIY’s and other posts. This is my first post of my journey to becoming a better me. With this journey I want to be able to see how I have progressed into becoming a better person in every aspect. Also I hope that people will take something from my posts and that it will help them to become more content with themselves and their lives. OK enough of what I want to achieve.


My first post in this section is about Faith. It’s a wide topic,  and I wasn't quite sure where to start.

And than I realized that faith must start at home. I have to admit that thanks to my amazing husband I have become closer to God that I have ever been, attending church is one thing but being close to God is another thing. And what I have learnt so far I would like to pass it on and teach my child what faith in God is. I still have lots to learn, and I will be learning for the rest of my life.


These are the principles that I want to teach my child and also live them in our home.

I have been very inspired by our local pastor and also plenty of blogs where Christian woman share their experiences and knowledge. So I will share with you, what I have learnt from all these sources.

I have been so inspired by Ruth from For the Family blog, so much amazing articles on parenting, marriage and family


How to keep the faith at home…


 Be thankful.

My first thought on that is saying grace together as a family. I just love it when my 3 year old says grace not only for the food, but the cartoons, his toys and all things around him. I believe its important to teach your child to be thankful for everything they have. And letting them know how great God is for providing so much for his children.



Theres many bible phrases about respect, however one that stands out for me is:

Exodus 20:12

"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your

God is giving you.

Its crucial to teach your child respect to parents and anybody else. But how can you preach to your child if your actions are different. So you gotta respect each other as husband and wife and set an example which your child will learn from.

Treat those around you the way you want your child to be treated and how you want your child to treat others



Pray together as a family and with your partner.  Teach your child to pray and talk to God. Make them aware that you can talk to God at any time or any moment.


 Be patient

Yes when you have a toddler your patience is somewhat tested to its limits. But through trial and error I have found that if I stay calm and not let anger overtake me, my child responds much better to what I am trying to teach him. And the same goes with your partner, stay calm, resolve the issue when you have thought it through and you don’t rely on your emotion to say what you want.


 Speak kindly.

Talk and act in kindness between you and your partner, this will immediately imprint onto your child. We all know that children especially as toddlers are like sponges, therefore think twice before you talk.  Teach your child to speak kind words.

'Ephesians 4:32 - And be ye kind one to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.'


 Enjoy the time together.

Enjoy what God has given to you, gather together as a family for meals, play games or even go for a walk.

Show the security of a family to your child as God has shown his security as a father to you.


 Laugh and be cheerful

In everything you do, be happy. Everything you do, wether it is preparing a meal for your family or bathing your child, do it so with a cheerful heart. Give your child and spouse the feeling of a good home.

The joy of the Lord is our strength

'Do all things without complaining and disputing.' (Phil. 2:14).

Teach your child to be grateful and content, and joy will come as an extension of that. Now the fruit of the spirit is love, joy.


 Be giving

Part of being thankful for what you have is sharing what God has blessed you with. As a family donate old items or surprise someone in need. Teach your child the value of giving without return.


 Show love. 

Seems obvious, I know. But sometimes we forget how powerful love can be in our home. And above all things have fervent love for one another, for ‘”love will cover a multitude of sins.’” (I Pet. 4:8)


 We praise more than we punish.

When we catch our child being joyful and kind, we’d exclaim over his attitude and deeds. He loves getting praise and wanted it repeated.


I wrote this post on what I feel is very important in a household with regards to faith. Its so important to build your family on faith. And the biggest way of doing it is by living it. One thing I will never forget from Angus Buchams’ video that I have seen, he said: “The Bible is like a manual to our lives”.  Why stress on how to live your life,  refer to your manual. It is one of Gods biggest gifts to us, why not use it.


I would like to end this article with a prayer:


“Dear Lord,

I pray that many more parents will seek to you for your guidence, and that they will let your unconditional love and the word into their households. And that they will teach their children about you and your love. May they be forgiven for any wrong doings, and that their hearts be at peace. Guide them in the right path to becoming Godly parents.




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Kasia Schulze, Blogger and DIY
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